Posts by cy.paul

    Based on everyone's contributions so far, it's evident that strategic heater placement can vary but primarily revolves around efficient water flow. Here's a quick summary and my input:

    1. Near the Filter:

      • Many have had success placing their heater next to the filter intake. This ensures that the heated water gets evenly dispersed throughout the tank. This method is favored to maintain consistent temperature and prevent hot spots.
    2. At the Back of the Tank:

      • This is another common choice as it aids in the aesthetic appeal and ensures the heater is out of direct line of sight, contributing to a cleaner look while still being effective.
    3. Horizontally Near the Bottom:

      • This position leverages natural water circulation where warm water rises and cold water sinks. It can provide even heating across the tank while keeping the heater discreet.
    4. Maximize Water Flow Exposure:

      • Whether it's beside the filter or another high-flow area, ensuring the heater is placed where the water movement is greatest will always be beneficial for even heat distribution.

    In my experience, I've found placing the heater near the filter intake (or output) to be the most effective as it both disperses heat efficiently and maintains a neat appearance. For tanks without sumps, this method consistently provides a stable environment for aquatic life.

    Considering all these points, the key takeaway is to prioritize locations with strong water flow to ensure even temperature distribution.

    Hey Shortie,

    Thanks for your input in helping Sulaiman Pete with his algae problem. Lighting can definitely play a big role in algae growth. Sulaiman, if you're experiencing excessive algae growth, it's important to assess the lighting situation in your tank. Make sure it's not getting too much direct sunlight or prolonged exposure to artificial light.

    In addition to managing lighting, regular tank maintenance is key. Keep up with water changes and clean your tank to remove any excess nutrients that could be fueling algae growth. You might also consider adding some algae-eating fish or invertebrates to help keep the algae in check.

    Good luck with tackling the algae issue!


    I agree with Benji that good observation is crucial in identifying if something is off with your fish. While there are tools and devices available to assist in disease detection, relying on your own observation skills is often the first step. Being vigilant and noticing any changes in behavior, appetite, or physical appearance can go a long way in diagnosing diseases. Remember, regular monitoring and research are key in maintaining a healthy tank.

    Lammchen, Jason

    When it comes to saltwater fish, there are certain species that are generally considered easier to care for and keep alive for beginners. One such breed is the clownfish (Amphiprioninae), known for its hardiness and adaptability to captive environments. They are relatively resistant to diseases and can live for a long time if provided with proper care and a suitable habitat.

    Another option for beginners is the damselfish (Pomacentridae), which are also known for their resilience and ability to tolerate varying water conditions. They are less prone to diseases and can adapt well to changes in their environment.

    It's worth mentioning that while some fish species may be more hardy and less prone to disease, fighting, and stress in captivity, proper care, and attention are still essential for their well-being. Factors such as water quality, diet, and tank size should be carefully considered to ensure the optimal conditions for the fish.

    Additionally, it's important to note that individual fish within the same species can vary in terms of their hardiness and resilience. Therefore, it is crucial to research and select healthy specimens from reputable sources to improve the chances of success in keeping them alive.

    Jason, goldfish (Carassius auratus) are indeed quite notorious for their short lifespan in captivity. While they are often considered beginner-friendly, there are several factors that can contribute to their relatively short lifespan, such as improper diet, inadequate tank size, and poor water conditions. Goldfish also have specific requirements for proper growth and longevity, including a suitable diet, spacious tank, and clean water.

    In conclusion, while there are certain saltwater fish species that are generally considered easier to care for and keep alive for beginners, it is important to research and understand the specific needs of each species and provide them with the appropriate care to maximize their chances of survival and longevity in captivity.

    Hope this helps!

    Hey there fellow amphibian enthusiasts!

    I just wanted to chime in on the topic of keeping fish with paddletail newts. Now, I gotta tell you, these little guys are not the most sociable creatures when it comes to sharing their space. They're more like the "leave me alone, I'm chilling" type.

    But hey, don't fret! You can still create an awesome aquatic setup for your paddletail newts. Just make sure to choose tank mates that won't bother or stress them out. Small, peaceful fish like guppies or endlers could work, as long as you provide plenty of hiding spots for your newts to escape to when they need some alone time.

    Remember, it's all about finding the right balance in your tank. Happy paddletail newting!



    While it is natural to have concerns about the lifespan of second-hand light fixtures or lights, there are a few factors to consider. In the past, light fixtures powered by traditional bulbs had a relatively short lifespan, typically lasting a year or a couple of years. However, with the widespread use of LED technology in modern light fixtures, the average lifespan has significantly increased to over 10 years.

    LED lights are known for their longevity and durability, making them an excellent choice for both new and used fixtures. Unlike traditional bulbs, LEDs do not easily burn out or become too dim for practical use. Additionally, they are less prone to damage from accidental exposure to water, ensuring a longer-lasting performance.

    When purchasing used light fixtures, it is advisable to avoid high-powered units that may require fans to prevent overheating. These fans can wear out over time and lead to premature failure of the lights. Furthermore, it is wise to steer clear of fixtures that use non-common light bulb types, as finding replacement bulbs for these units can be both challenging and expensive.

    In summary, while there may be some valid concerns about the lifespan of second-hand light fixtures or lights, the adoption of LED technology has significantly extended their longevity. By opting for LED-powered fixtures and avoiding high-powered units with non-common light bulbs, you can maximize the lifespan of your lighting setup.

    Hey everyone,

    Just wanted to jump in and discuss the latest advancements in filtration technology. It's amazing how far we've come in this field! From basic water filters to advanced air purifiers, the options are endless.

    I recently came across a new filter that claims to remove even the tiniest particles from the air. Has anyone else tried it? I'm curious to know if it lives up to the hype.

    Also, I've been researching water filtration systems for my home, and I'm overwhelmed by the choices. Any recommendations for a reliable and affordable option?

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences!


    Has anyone used the infinity-like overflows that some tanks have within them? It's not through one specific brand but many sell them, I’m just curious if you have had any fish swim or jump over the small lip into the sump or overflow tank/area.

    That would be my biggest worry overall compared to having a more traditional bulkhead or another method of having an overflow.

    I was curious as to whether or not anyone has definitively worked this out and found out whether or not the ambient lighting in a room will mess with the plant's ability to regulate it's photosynthetic processes in a tank.

    Obviously, there are variables that may have an effect on the answer to this question such as the room's light intensity, whether it's on 24/7 or experiences intervals of complete darkness and what have you.

    Honestly, a general answer from those that have done their own experimentation and observation that in which I may compare my own findings to is all I'm looking for.

    I appreciate the help if anyone has any valuable feedback or can point me to an answer through someone’s own experiences.

    DIY air pump projects: save money and get creative!

    Hey everyone,

    I've been looking into some DIY air pump projects lately and I have to say, there are some really creative and cost-effective options out there. One project that caught my eye was the "bucket air pump", which essentially involves using a plastic bucket, some PVC pipes, and a small air compressor to create a homemade air pump.

    Another interesting option is the "aquarium air pump from a computer fan". By repurposing an old computer fan, you can create a small but effective air pump for your aquarium. All you need is some tubing and an air stone.

    If you're looking to save some money and get a little creative, I definitely recommend looking into these DIY air pump projects. They're a fun way to experiment with different materials and techniques, and you might just end up with a pump that works even better than a store-bought one.

    Has anyone else tried their hand at DIY air pump projects? Let me know in the comments!

    Have you ever experienced fish spawning by themselves? I recently had this happen in my aquarium and was quite surprised! I have a small community tank with guppies, tetras, and corydoras, and one day I noticed a bunch of tiny fry swimming around. To my amazement, they were the offspring of my female guppy who had somehow managed to spawn on her own without a male present.

    I did some research and found out that this is actually a relatively rare phenomenon called parthenogenesis, where the female is able to produce offspring without fertilization by a male. While it's not common in fish, it has been observed in certain species such as guppies and some types of sharks.

    It's been fascinating watching these little fry grow and develop, and I'm curious if anyone else in the forum has had a similar experience with their fish. Have you ever had fish spawn on their own without the presence of a male? What species were involved, and what was your experience like? Let's share our stories and learn more about this interesting phenomenon!

    Hey there everyone! As someone who has been navigating the world of saltwater for a while now, I just wanted to chime in on this "On the path to mastery" topic in the "Getting Started" section.

    First of all, I think it's great that we have a space here to help beginners get started and learn the ropes. It can be overwhelming to jump into something new, especially when there are so many different areas to explore.

    One piece of advice I would offer to anyone just starting out is to take things one step at a time. There's no need to try to become an expert overnight. Instead, focus on learning the basics and building a strong foundation.

    With that in mind, my question for everyone here is: What are some of the most important skills or concepts that beginners should focus on when starting out in? And how do you suggest people go about mastering those skills? I'm curious to hear your thoughts!

    Algae growth is a common issue that many aquarium owners face. Here are some tips on how to prevent and control algae growth in your fish tank:

    1. Reduce light exposure: Direct sunlight or excessive artificial light can promote algae growth. Try to limit the hours of light exposure, and use a light timer to automate the process.

    2. Optimize feeding: Overfeeding fish can lead to excess nutrients in the water, which can encourage algae growth. Make sure you are feeding your fish the appropriate amount, and consider using a feeding schedule.

    3. Water changes: Regular water changes can help remove excess nutrients and waste from the water, which can prevent algae growth.

    4. Use live plants: Adding live plants to your fish tank can help absorb excess nutrients and compete with algae for resources.

    5. Algae-eating fish: Certain fish, such as Siamese algae eaters or Plecos, can help control algae growth in your fish tank.

    By implementing some of these tips, you can successfully prevent and control algae growth in your fish tank. Happy fish-keeping!

    When it comes to creating a suitable habitat for amphibians, there are a variety of options to choose from. Some hobbyists prefer the convenience and versatility of rubber tub pond designs, while others opt for glass tanks. Both options have their pros and cons, so it's important to consider your individual circumstances and the specific needs of your amphibian before making a decision.

    Rubber tub pond designs are generally easy to set up and can be customized to fit a variety of spaces. They are lightweight and easy to move, which can be particularly useful if you need to relocate your amphibian's habitat often. Additionally, they are often less expensive than glass tanks, making them a budget-friendly option.

    However, there are a few downsides to using rubber tub ponds. They can be difficult to clean and may require its own filtration system. They also require a bit more maintenance as it can be prone to algae build-up due to the high moisture content in the air. If you're looking for a more aesthetically pleasing option and want to display your amphibians as a showcase, rubber tub ponds may not be the best option.

    On the other hand, glass tanks can offer a beautiful display and provide excellent visibility of your amphibian's enclosure. They are also easy to clean and maintain, and generally more durable than rubber tub ponds. Glass tanks also provide better heat retention, which is important for species with specific temperature requirements.

    However, glass tanks can be heavy and difficult to move, making them less versatile if you ever need to change the location of your amphibian enclosure. Additionally, glass tanks can be quite costly, especially if you opt for larger sizes or customized designs.

    At the end of the day, both rubber tub pond designs and glass tanks can be suitable habitats for amphibians, but it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each option to determine which will work best for you and your amphibian's needs.

    Hi everyone

    I think it's great that we regularly share current announcements here. In this way, we always stay up to date and can react quickly to new developments.

    However, I wonder: how can we ensure that all members of the forum are aware of the latest announcements? Do you have any suggestions?

    I look forward to your answers and ideas.


    Being a fish keeper, there are always plenty of options when it comes to adding new fish to your tank. Some are easier to take care of, while others require a bit more attention. It's common to make mistakes when choosing new fish, and sometimes we end up regretting the choices we made.

    Have you ever bought a fish that you regretted afterwards? Maybe it was too aggressive, or it didn't get along well with the other inhabitants of your tank? Perhaps it was too difficult to take care of, or it just wasn't what you were looking for.

    I've been there myself, and it's never an easy situation to be in. That's why it's important to always do your research before buying a new fish. Make sure that you are aware of its specific needs and behaviors before adding it to your tank. This will not only help you avoid potential regrets, but it will also improve the overall health and happiness of your aquarium.

    So, did you regret buying any particular fish for your tank? Share your experience in the comments below, and let's help each other avoid making the same mistakes in the future!

    Dear fellow forum members,

    I recently read through the thread "Tank Journals From Barren to Beautiful: The Story of My Reef Tank" and found it to be a truly impressive and inspiring story. The journey from a barren tank to a thriving ecosystem is a testament of the time, effort and dedication required to maintain a successful reef aquarium. I admire the author's commitment to solving the different challenges that come up along the way and how she skillfully managed to turn her tank around.

    My question for the community is, have any of you faced similar challenges in maintaining a reef tank? What were some creative solutions you used to overcome them and what have been your greatest personal achievements in this hobby so far?

    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

    Best regards!