I think that community tanks honestly look better since like the others have said, it’s a ton of different fish of all different sizes swimming around and giving a vibrant appearance overall.
Posts by Andy
I use Tetra’s Water Conditioner since they sel it at my local Walmart (tend to do more water changes than needed).
I just have some of the fake wood and roots that I found from Petsmart. I tried to keep it more natural looking but also think some of the other ones they sell look pretty cool.
I think I tried one of those in the tubes before with a family members tank but it ended up just dying off. I can’t remember what it was called
Cool I’ll try out silicone then, thank you a ton!
I think that show is called “Tanked” and it’s really cool. I’ve actually went to one of their ones they showed on the series, but honestly it seems to all be for show. I heard people say that the fish they put in some aren’t really able to stay in that sized tank or be with others in there.
But I would totally buy a tank from them or any big company since they have more on the line than just a customer (if someone made a ton of bad press about their tanks being crap it would be a bigger deal).
Thank you for the answer I just wasn’t sure if whatever I was trying to do was breaking something or not.
I was randomly trying to access here early in the morning for an hour but kept seeing this internal error and to let the administration know that it was being logged to some text file...was this an issue on my end?
Can I use hot glue to make some items stick together to form a decoration or is this toxic?
Been looking for something that can hold a ton of 10 gallons but not sure if this would work or if someone has something else that’s better
How can you tell if it’s normal vs a disease or something? Like does fin rot turn pieces darker or some other diseases?
Even if you didn’t buy it I’m sure others would for like cool aspects with a tank but not always having something kept inside