ADF Feeding Issues?

  • Hi there.

    I have one African dwarf frog, but don't worry we are planning on getting more. we got another, but his brother died and the water quality was fine and I made sure everything was perfect, he died the day we got him so I don't think it was our fault. the death of his brother is unrelated, but anyway, we have smooth pebbles as substrates that are large enough for the ADF to not swallow. the issue is I almost feel like it may not be the right one since I have been trying to feed him and the pellets sink in between crevices or deep under the pebbles and I am worried about it. I have hand-fed him bloodworms though and that is going fine. I tried putting a small glass dish down for the pellets to be on a smooth surface so they wouldn't sink. however, this might not be the best dish since he still isn't able to eat from it. I am pretty sure Glass is aquarium-safe.

    Any suggestions?

  • If the pellets are getting lost between the pebbles, switching to a finer substrate or using a separate feeding container could be a good solution. Frog-safe plastic or silicone dishes tend to be better options than glass, as they may be less slippery. Alternatively, you can try using long tweezers to deliver the pellets directly to the frog.

    Consider trying different types of food, such as frozen or live food options. Some frogs respond better to those compared to pellets. Brine shrimp, daphnia, or cut-up worms can be attractive and easy for them to catch.

    Also, if you're concerned about water quality affecting feeding, check parameters regularly to ensure they're within the optimal range. African dwarf frogs prefer stable water conditions with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 and a temperature of 72-78°F (22-26°C).

    Increasing the number of frogs can stimulate natural foraging behavior, as they tend to be more active in groups. However, make sure your tank size can accommodate more frogs comfortably to avoid crowding stress.

    Keep monitoring the frog’s weight and adjust feeding practices as necessary, ensuring he maintains a healthy size. Regularly observe his behavior to ensure he appears active and healthy.

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