Posts by Gilbert

    I’ve been getting a bunch of ads on Facebook and elsewhere about these companies finally developing hardware to test all of the commonly watched water parameters for saltwater and brackish tanks (no freshwater yet), and had a few questions.

    1) Would you ever think about getting a digital device that could give you real-time readings throughout the day or these parameters?

    2) Would you prefer for them to automatically log the result to an app or somewhere so you can keep track of trends over time?

    3) Are they even worth the money compared to using chemistry-based kits that you can run and buy the testing liquid for at a far reduced cost?

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    How do you all manage to hide the spray bar from your canister filter, so that it isn’t obnoxiously visible when you view your tank? Is there anything you try to hide it under or integrate with another decoration or piece of equipment?

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    Hey guys!

    I just wanted to share my experience with refugiums in my aquarium. I didn't realize how important they were until I started seeing the positive changes in my tank. Not only do they harbor so much life, but they're also great for removing excess nutrients.

    I love how they're so easy to set up - you can use sand, mud, or even algae to create one. It's like having a little ecosystem within your aquarium.

    If you're not using a refugium already, I highly recommend giving it a try. You'll be surprised at how much it can improve the health and vitality of your aquatic pets!

    Happy tank keeping!

    Many people think that having an aquarium is not a suitable option for people living in small spaces. However, there are many small fish that can thrive in a small aquarium and make great pets.

    One option for a small aquarium is a betta fish. They are beautiful and come in a variety of colors. They only need a small tank and are easy to care for. Another option is a shrimp aquarium. There are many types of shrimp that can live in a small tank and can be quite entertaining to watch.

    If you want a bit more variety in your tank, you can consider a nano aquarium. These small tanks are perfect for small spaces and can house various types of small fish and plants.

    In conclusion, having an aquarium in a small apartment room is definitely possible. The key is to choose the right fish and tank size for your space. With a little bit of research and proper care, an aquarium can add life and beauty to your living space.

    I remember when I first started my aquarium, I was so excited to add my first plant! The plant that I chose was a Java Fern, which I had heard was a great beginner plant. I was amazed at how quickly it started to grow and fill out the tank. Since then, I have tried many different plants, but the Java Fern will always hold a special place in my heart.

    So, what was your first plant added to your aquarium? Did it thrive or struggle? Did it spark your love for planted tanks or were you already a plant enthusiast? Share your experiences and let's inspire each other to continue growing and learning in this hobby!

    It's amazing how rapidly the lighting industry is advancing with new technologies and innovations. I'm particularly excited about the integration of IoT into Lighting systems and the potential for dynamic and personalized lighting solutions.

    What is your take on the latest breakthroughs in Lighting R&D? Do you see any significant challenges ahead in the implementation of these technologies for the aquarium hobby?

    Just as in freshwater tanks and ecosystems, there is a seasonal change that will lower and raise the water temperature to signal breeding season, or it may be time to “bulk up” and eat more food during winter to survive. This can be core to some of the species and they do need this change that occurs in order to have their bodies naturally adjust, and go through this change.

    Do you have your chiller set to cool the tank down to specific temperature ranges to reflect the seasons that occur in nature, and in their wild environment? Or do you tend to just keep it within a range at all times (ex; between 1-3 degrees)?

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    Do you regularly feed your tank with the protein skimmer running? Or do you tend to place it in a mode where it shuts off or runs slower than normal to allow for the food to get into the tank and its fish? If you don’t have such a mode, do you instead manually turn it off to make sure that the food doesn’t go to full waste by being sucked into a filter instead?

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    Can fish eat frozen food?

    This is a question that many fish owners ask themselves when choosing their pets' diet. The answer is yes, fish can eat frozen food. In fact, many fish species actually prefer frozen food over fresh food.

    Frozen food is a great option for those who want to provide their fish with a healthy and varied diet. Frozen food is easy to store and can be kept for long periods of time. In addition, frozen food is generally safer to feed to fish than live food which can carry diseases and parasites.

    When choosing frozen food for your fish, you should make sure that it is of high quality and suitable for the species of fish that you have. You should also make sure that the food is thawed properly before feeding it to your fish.

    Some popular types of frozen food for fish include frozen brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms, and frozen daphnia. These foods are rich in protein and essential nutrients that help to promote the health and well-being of your fish.

    In conclusion, fish can definitely eat frozen food and it can be a healthy and convenient option for their diet. Just remember to choose high-quality frozen food and to thaw it properly before feeding it to your fish.

    Are you facing a troublesome pest infestation of bristle worms in your invertebrate tank? This is a common problem that many aquarium owners encounter. Bristle worms can wreak havoc on your fragile invertebrate ecosystem and it's essential to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

    So, how did you successfully eliminate these pesky pests from your tank? We would love to hear your experiences and methods for eradicating bristle worms.

    One approach is manually removing the worms by using a pair of tongs, gloves, or a trap. Another strategy is incorporating natural predators, such as arrow crabs or wrasses, to control the population. Employing specific treatments, such as baking soda, can also help kill off bristle worms.

    However, it is crucial to remember that prevention is key. To prevent future infestations, maintain a clean tank environment and feed your invertebrates appropriately. Regularly monitoring your tank for any unusual behavior or hitchhikers can also help manage pest populations before they become a full-blown problem.

    So, what worked for you? Share your tips and tricks with the community so we can all learn from each other's experiences. Together, we can ensure our invertebrate tanks remain healthy and vibrant.

    Have you ever repainted your fish tank stands to another color (or finish), and how was the experience? Did the paint hold up over time and especially in parts that might get wet during a water change or tank maintenance?

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    Anybody have experience with the plastic / resin driftwood sold at pet stores? Interested in your opinion on having them long term, like are you overall happy with it? Do the colors fade over time? Do it have that fake feeling even underwater?

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    Do any of your lights have an automatic dim feature to prevent the whole light going on from the dark, or being on and going to pitch black at night?

    If you have, let me know if this makes your fish feel more secure since instantly turning the lights on and off seems to startle them everytime.

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    They have them in a bucket in case they leak, which is only helpful for a short period. I’d always advise watching the canister filter for a few minutes after you put it together (the first time, or when you clean it). Always use grease or something to lube up the o-ring seal otherwise if it cracks, then that will be your source of a steady stream of water leaking out.

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