Have you ever known someone to let their tank go badly? It's a pretty common scenario - someone gets too busy or forgetful and before they know it, their gas tank is running on empty.
But what's worse is when someone deliberately lets their tank go empty as some sort of experiment, or worse yet, as a way to save money. I've known a few people who have tried this and it never ends well. They end up stranded on the side of the road, late for appointments or worse yet, in a dangerous situation.
So, my advice to all of you is to always keep your gas tank at least half full. It's a small thing that can make a big difference in your life. Not only will you avoid the stress and danger of running out of gas, but you'll also save yourself time and money by not having to make constant trips to the gas station.
Don't be that person who lets their tank go badly. Take care of your vehicle, and it will take care of you.