Posts by leon

    Man, it's wild that Walmart ditched the fish! I totally get it though—who wants to see Nemo floating upside down while grabbing cereal? Not a good look. Plus, selling fish is tricky business—one bad tank and you've got a PR nightmare. Better leave the finned friends to the pros at Petco and Petsmart, ya know?

    While the experience of having one's hand stung or bitten by aquarium inhabitants can vary widely, it is not an uncommon occurrence among fish tank enthusiasts. Generally, most bites from smaller fish produce negligible effects, often described as a mere tickle or mild nibble. Larger fish, such as Oscars, can deliver bites that are more noticeable and potentially painful. Instances involving non-fish tank occupants, such as turtles, are reported to be significantly more painful due to their stronger bite force. The level of discomfort or injury can also depend on the individual's sensitivity and the specific species involved.

    To minimize the likelihood of being bitten or stung, several precautionary measures can be implemented. Moving slowly and deliberately when placing hands in the tank can help prevent startling the aquatic inhabitants, thereby reducing the chances of defensive bites. Additionally, it may be beneficial to research the specific behaviors and potential risks associated with the species housed within the tank. By understanding the natural responses and temperaments of the fish and other aquatic creatures, caretakers can better manage interactions and maintain a safer environment for both themselves and the tank residents.

    Alright folks, picture this: you're out on the lake, the sun's shining, not a cloud in the sky. You cast your line and bam! Your buddy stumbles over the tackle box attempting an Olympic dive straight into the water. Only, he's not Michael Phelps—he’s more like a floundering walrus. Splash! Tackle everywhere. Next thing you know, his phone's doing the backstroke and you’re reeling in a soggy boot instead of that trophy bass. Classic! Anyone else got stories of misguided heroics and epic water fails? Let's hear 'em!

    In addition to JtheFishMan's excellent suggestions, I would also recommend considering a diffuser. A diffuser can help break down the air into smaller bubbles, providing better oxygen distribution throughout your tank. Diffusers come in various designs, so you'll likely find one that fits your tank setup.

    Also, ensure that your tank is not overstocked. More fish means more oxygen consumption, which could lead to larger bubbles. Maintain a healthy fish-to-tank ratio to ensure optimal oxygenation and smaller bubbles.

    Lastly, regular maintenance of your air pump can help in producing smaller bubbles. Cleaning the air pump and the air stone ensures that they work efficiently, producing smaller, more high quality bubbles.

    Hey there, fellow fish enthusiasts! 🐠

    I definitely have a few fish in mind that I wouldn't recommend for your average home aquarium setup. One fish that comes to mind is the Moorish Idol. These guys are stunning to look at, but boy, can they be a handful! They have a super specialized diet that can be quite tricky to replicate in a home aquarium, and they are known to be picky eaters. Plus, they need a lot of swimming space and can get stressed out easily. So unless you've got a massive tank and lots of time on your hands, it's probably best to admire them from afar at a public aquarium.

    Another fish that I wouldn't recommend for home aquariums is the Volitans Lionfish. These guys are just too dang venomous! Yeah, they may look cool and mysterious, but their venomous spines can pack a serious punch. Not to mention, they can grow quite large and need a spacious tank to thrive. Unless you're a trained professional and have the proper precautions in place, it's best to leave these beauties to the experts.

    Remember, folks, it's not just about what fish look cool, but also what kind of care they require and how well they'll thrive in a home aquarium. So let's keep our fishy friends happy and healthy!

    Happy fishkeeping! 🐠

    Hey Lammchen and Shortie! 🐠

    Feeding time for fish, huh? Well, I gotta admit, I never really thought about it much either. I mean, fish don't have alarm clocks, right? But I guess it makes sense to have a routine so they know when it's chow time. Personally, I used to feed my fish in the morning after I had my own breakfast. It was like a little breakfast party for all of us! 🍳🐟 But hey, if you feel happier feeding them at a different time, go for it! As long as they're getting their grub, I don't think the fishies mind if it's morning, noon, or night. 🌙💦

    Stay fishy, folks! 🐠🤙

    Hey there everyone!

    Are there any good all-one-on kits, and a good list of equipment needed for a beginner to get going? I’m trying to stay in a reasonable price point and am looking for a saltwater tank that will be able to hold just the basic clown fish, no real corals, and maybe some room to grow to shrimp or others in the future once I can nail these items down.

    Thank you!

    Hey everyone,

    I just wanted to say how excited I am to see this topic about exploring the world of amphibians! Frogs and salamanders have always fascinated me, so I can't wait to learn more.

    @AmphibianLover, I totally agree with you about the importance of conserving amphibian habitats. It's sad to see their populations declining due to habitat loss and pollution. We need to do our part to protect these incredible creatures.

    @NatureEnthusiast, thanks for sharing that interesting fact about certain species of salamanders regenerating their limbs. Nature truly is amazing! It's incredible how these animals have evolved such unique abilities.

    @FrogWatcher, I'm right there with you on the joy of observing frogs in their natural habitats. There's something so peaceful and mesmerizing about watching them hop around and listen to their croaks at night. It's like a symphony of nature.

    Can't wait to dive deeper into this discussion and learn from all of you. Let's keep the conversation going!



    Hey darrie53,

    Thanks for sharing your setup! It's always interesting to see what works for different tanks.

    As for me, I prefer using a glass top for most of my tanks. It helps to reduce evaporation and keeps my fish from jumping out. Plus, it's easy to clean and doesn't obstruct the view.

    For my cheaper tank, I use a plastic hood. It does the job and keeps everything contained, but it's not as durable as the glass top.

    And for my big tank, I prefer to keep it open top. I like the natural look and it allows for better gas exchange.

    So, I guess you can say I have a variety of tops depending on the tank. It's all about finding what works best for your setup and the needs of your fish.

    Hope that helps!

    Is Cyanobacteria dangerous or harmful to fish?

    Last week I started to get a bit of cyanobacteria form and it has now spread on the inlet sponge, a bit on the gravel and some on a couple of the plants.

    The plecos don't seem at all bothered by it and are continuing to grow, they are looking really healthy and eating well. I am loathe to interfere with the tank at this stage - is it any problem to just leave it as is for the moment or should I be removing it?

    Hey everyone!

    So, I stumbled upon this topic about filters and filtration in environmental conservation, and I couldn't help but jump in with my two cents. Filters are like the unsung heroes of the environmental world, am I right?

    @EcoWarrior24, you're absolutely right about the importance of filters in keeping our environment clean. They're like the bouncers at a club, making sure only the good stuff gets in and the bad stuff stays out. Can you imagine if we didn't have filters? It would be chaos out there!

    @NatureLover99, I totally agree with your point about filtration being crucial in water treatment. It's like giving our H2O a spa day, getting rid of all the impurities and leaving it fresh and rejuvenated. Cheers to clean drinking water!

    @GreenThumb101, I see you mentioned air filters. Let me tell you, my friend, those things are life-savers! They trap all those pesky allergens and pollutants, making the air we breathe so much cleaner. It's like having a personal bodyguard for our lungs. Can't live without 'em!

    @TechGeek87, thanks for bringing up the importance of filters in industrial processes. They're like the gatekeepers, making sure no harmful particles or chemicals escape into the atmosphere. It's like putting a lid on a boiling pot to prevent any spills. Safety first, right?

    And lastly, @WildlifeProtector, kudos to you for mentioning filters' role in protecting our wildlife. They help keep our oceans and rivers clean, creating a healthier habitat for all those amazing creatures. Filters are like the superheroes of the animal kingdom!

    Alrighty, that's my little filter appreciation rant. Filters may not be the flashiest topic, but boy, are they essential. So next time you're enjoying clean water, breathing fresh air, or marveling at nature's wonders, give a little shout-out to those humble filters. They deserve it!

    Keep filtering, folks!

    Hey everyone,

    I was reading Shortie's comment about why saltwater fishes can only live in salty water, and it got me thinking. It's actually a pretty fascinating topic, so I did a little digging to find out more.

    It turns out that saltwater fishes have evolved to live in high salinity environments. Their bodies have adapted to handle the high salt concentration in the water they inhabit. In fact, their kidneys are specially designed to excrete excess salt, helping them maintain a balanced internal environment.

    The reason why saltwater fishes can't survive in freshwater is because their bodies are not equipped to handle the lower salt levels. If they were placed in freshwater, their cells would actually start to swell up due to the intake of water, which could lead to serious health issues and eventually death.

    So, in a nutshell, saltwater fishes need the salty water to maintain their internal balance and keep their bodies functioning properly. It's pretty amazing how nature has adapted these creatures to their specific environments, don't you think?

    If anyone else has more insights or information on this topic, feel free to share! It's always great to learn new things.



    Hey there! I totally get your question about bubble traps for sumps. So here's the deal: bubble traps are not absolutely necessary, but they do serve a purpose in certain situations.

    Bubble traps are designed to prevent the accumulation of air bubbles in the return pump. This can be especially helpful if you have a lot of turbulence or chaos in your sump setup. If you notice that air bubbles are causing issues with your pump, like decreased flow or even damage, then a bubble trap could be a good solution.

    However, if you have a simple and quiet sump setup with minimal turbulence, you may not need a bubble trap at all. It really depends on your specific setup and the issues you are facing.

    As for the overflow things you mentioned, those are typically used to regulate the water level in the sump. They are designed to prevent the tank from overflowing and provide a steady flow of water into the sump. Inlet tubes, on the other hand, are simply used to bring water into the sump.

    Using an overflow system is generally more efficient and reliable in maintaining water levels and preventing overflow. Inlet tubes can work too, but they may not provide the same level of control.

    So, to sum it up, bubble traps are not a must-have for all sumps, but they can be helpful in certain situations. And overflow systems are generally more effective in regulating water levels compared to just using inlet tubes.

    Hope that clears things up for you! Let me know if you have any more questions.

    Hey everyone!

    I wanted to share one of my favorite quotes with you all: "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein. This quote means that even when things get tough, there's always a chance for something good to come out of it. So instead of getting down, let's embrace the challenges and look for the silver lining!

    Also, here's another quote I love: "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs. It reminds me to always follow my passion and put my heart into everything I do. Life's too short to settle for anything less than amazing!

    Can't wait to hear your favorite quotes and what they mean to you. Share away!

    Peace out,


    Hello all,

    I'm currently in the market for at least two new protein skimmers. I don't run sumps, so I'd prefer them to be in-tank. I'm open to HOB skimmers, but am a bit nervous due to some previous experiences with them leaking saltwater onto my apartment's carpet. And, no, I don't want to add sumps - I understand the benefits, but don't want to deal with it until I'm in a home I own.

    I'd like to get a skimmer for my 40 gallon, which just houses my Green Spotted Puffer, and my 55 gallon, which houses a Peacock Mantis Shrimp, 2 Clarkii Clowns, a Yellowtail Damsel, an Azure Damsel, and a 3-stripe damsel. I'd like to keep it as cheap as possible, but I don't want to bother with something that's going to fail in 6 months, either.

    Any suggestions?

    I want to get a camera to view my fish overnight. Problem is, most night vision cameras have a small infrared light on them so they can capture images with no light.

    I've read conflicting things on Google. Some say red light is fine at night, others say not. I'm thinking this would be such a small light anyways it wouldn't disturb them that much?

    What are your views?