anyone have any? are they cool having or need special stuff? no one else has them and they seem like a cool poisonous pet that’s safe

fire belly toads
cristabel33 -
October 21, 2020 at 6:54 PM -
Thread is Resolved
I’ve have them before, but would definitely recommend that you setup the whole enclosure to what they need (water, also land area that has possibly dirt in it/mud).
They are pretty cool, make interesting noises when trying to call for their mates, but just one that you can watch and not really touch (similar to turtles in a sense).
An ex had some and I remember them being pretty hardy. They do need a lot of water and land.
I remember seeing a few in a reptile store, but as noted they do need a bunch of land and not so deep of water (enough to touch the bottom of their leg with). Plus they make a croaking noise that is very similar to a dog barking.
thanks for input guys! will look into them soon!
They sound like they would be really awesome, but alas, I wouldn’t have anywhere to put them, nor would I feel confident that I could take proper care of them.
I remember seeing these at our local stores but then they suddenly disappeared and now it seems like you have to special order them or get them online. They definitely seemed like cool frogs to have a demon aquatic setup with though
I remember seeing these at our local stores but then they suddenly disappeared and now it seems like you have to special order them or get them online. They definitely seemed like cool frogs to have a demon aquatic setup with though
That's weird. I wonder why they are so hard to find now compared to before?
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