Hi friends i have 54l aquarium and i have some fish on them. I am thinking to put some algea eater on them so they can lives with other fishes. So please recommend me good algae eater which lives friendly Thank you
Algae eater which lives friendly
Elijah -
April 4, 2022 at 8:53 AM -
Thread is Resolved
What kind of fishes you have in your 54l aquarium ?
What kind of fishes you have in your 54l aquarium ?
I currently have swordtails, guppies and an albino ancistrus
I currently have swordtails, guppies and an albino ancistrus
Does it have to be a fish? How about nerite snails?
Does it have to be a fish? How about nerite snails?
Looked a bit into snails, but arent they difficult to keep? And can they go with guppies?
Looked a bit into snails, but arent they difficult to keep? And can they go with guppies?
I feel like snails are one of the easiest to keep and I don't see why guppies would be a problem
Amano shrimp perhaps? They're pretty cool and do a decent amount of tank clean up for the small bio load they create
Amano shrimp perhaps? They're pretty cool and do a decent amount of tank clean up for the small bio load they create
I would love amano shrimp, but substrate comes in shrimp substrate and normal substrate, i have the normal one in my tank already. Is that a problem when having shrimp?
I would love amano shrimp, but substrate comes in shrimp substrate and normal substrate, i have the normal one in my tank already. Is that a problem when having shrimp?
Nah substrate doesn't really matter
Nah substrate doesn't really matter
So the "shrimp stratum/substrate" is just a ripoff? Nice to know
Might reconsider amanos again.
Snails work, some shrimp as noted too would be good. Tank seems too small though for any decently sized algae eater fish
Snails work, some shrimp as noted too would be good. Tank seems too small though for any decently sized algae eater fish
I have been making use of snails for as long as I can remember and they have worked perfectly well as my algae eaters and they are not difficult to manage as well. It's going to be my first recommendation.
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