News: Edition 8

  • We have a bunch of new items to go over that we have recently added, changed, or modified in their current state. We list below some of the high-level changes and are even going to show you some of the planned changes that we are currently either exploring as options, in the work of modifying/creating, or have on the to-do list once some other items get progressed more.

    Recent Changes

    • We have moved to a new hosting provider, which will allow us to do far more unique, and creative things. Additionally, this new hosting provider decreased the time it takes to load any content that we are serving by 93.92%! Due to the way that we had to migrate and use newer software, the following must be noted:
      • Shoutbox entries have been lost as a result as the data was stored in a different method, and wouldn't allow for us to nicely migrate it over.
      • Shops have been lost as a result, therefore we are starting to build them over from scratch.
      • Awards have been lost due to them not converting over (we plan to add these back later, once we can establish a better awards page to view them all on).
      • The marketplace has been removed as it currently is not supported on the newest release of our community software. Once it is back in place, we will reevaluate if we need it and if it can provide what we want for this community. In the interim, we have re-enabled the forum-based Marketplace.
      • Due to the way various email templates are being used, we have swapped to a more responsive theme (this fixes the issue with emails sending white text on a white background).
      • We now have enabled DMARC verification for emails sent out. You can rest assured that any email you see from [at] will be from us since email providers will now reject it (won't even show up in your spam/junk folders).
        • NOTE: Due to the shift with a new hosting provider, it may take time for emails to appear in your inbox (they may start to appear within your spam/junk as we build our email reputation again). Please select these and mark them as "Not Spam/Not Junk" if you receive them to help us out, thank you!
    • Multi-Factor-Authentication (MFA) has been added and can be turned on for all accounts (visit your User settings page to find out how to enable it).
    • You are able to quickly tag other users in replies to threads, simply start typing @ following with their username and they will receive a notification.
    • Posts from staff members will be marked as an “Official Post” on some threads. Just note that this is to allow others to quickly see and notice more important threads, and we plan to expand this feature in future updates.

    Please let us know if you see some that aren't working, or links to something broken - thank you!

    Upcoming Planned Changes

    • We are going through our current layout for various information pages (ex; Freshwater, Saltwater) and updating them to a more friendly layout (while removing duplicated, not-needed content).
    • Restructuring some of the layouts of pages and articles so that they make sense category-wise as we add more content, as during the shift we noticed things that may not make sense for someone who is new to aquariums in general content-wise.
  • I was wondering why I was having issues connecting to here from Tapatalk - but lovely! Also looks like you guys solved the “liking” issue with Tapatalk too!

    Thank you for the updates and always trying to provide the best experience!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Exactly! Thankfully with the new server, the required backend modules could be installed that allowed for that to be re-enabled! 🎉

  • November 8, 2021 at 3:43 PM

    Closed the thread.

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