My fishes aren't growing well?

  • I feel that my fishes are suffering from stunted growth. They should have grown at least 4 inches by now but they are still barely 2.5 inches. The fish I'm talking about is Clown Plecos.

    What could be the problem?

  • Do you know what you are feeding them? What is the water temperature that they are within?

    Additionally, do you notice any other signs that they may be showing? Staying in one area completely, hiding away, not so colorful/dull colors, or possibly are they not eating as much as they used to (or compared to other species of theirs in other tanks)?

  • Do you know what you are feeding them? What is the water temperature that they are within?

    Additionally, do you notice any other signs that they may be showing? Staying in one area completely, hiding away, not so colorful/dull colors, or possibly are they not eating as much as they used to (or compared to other species of theirs in other tanks)?

    I just got a fantail goldfish yesterday and I love it so much I don't want it to die so thanks for these signs

  • I believe the fish food and the tank size plays an important role in the fishes growth. Provide nutritious food for your fish. And sometimes, the fish tank might be long, but the width of the tank would be small. That might affect your fishes growth. Have a tank that is long and also has a good width, so that the fish can easily turn around. I think these two suggestions would be helpful.

  • Hey there fish enthusiasts!

    I totally agree with Kuhlilove's suggestions. A nutritious diet is vital for your fish's growth. Make sure you're providing them with high-quality fish food that's packed with all the essential nutrients. And let's not forget about the tank size! Give those little swimmers some room to stretch their fins. A spacious tank with good width will definitely help them grow to their full potential.

    So, feed them well and give them space to roam, and soon you'll have some big, healthy fish swimming around! Keep up the good work, fellow fish lovers!

    Happy fish keeping!

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