Where do you get your tank layout inspiration from?

  • With all of the unique designs and layouts one can use from natural shaped live rock, how do you get inspired to make your tank a specific way or have a specific vibe/feeling with the live rock and other decorations/corals placed?

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  • When it comes to looking at ideas for my tank and getting my inspiration for my tank, I would usually look at other people's tanks online and just see what they do and how they do things with their tanks. I wouldn't outright copy a tank piece by piece, but I would definitely get some inspiration from them and some ideas of what I could do for my own tank and what things I could use for my own tank depending on what fish I plan on having in there.

  • Do you think that the social pressures of others who may view your tank come into effect as well? Or do you just go with your gut and own instincts when getting it all set up based on your original thought/idea(s)?

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    No, I don't think about what others may think when I go with ideas for my tank if I am honest. I am someone that if I get an idea in my head and I like it, I will follow through with it. They always say that your gut instinct is right, and I feel myself that is definitely right. With each tank I have built up and decorated I have gone with my own gut and have always been very pleased with it and so many have always commented on my tanks when they have been done but I don't let their concerns bother me. As long as I am happy with it then I am happy.

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