I decided to try out these column style tanks since it has such a different appearance that can fit in tiny spots, but contain a lot of live and plants. I must say that these tanks do have a different type of challenge, from not only their style, but also what you can do with them. I figured that I'd document everything from me setting it up to what it looks like at a random interval. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to ask or let me know!
Tank has been taken down - this will be the journal from when it was up and running.
Detailed Information
Tank: Aqueon 15 Gallon Column (13.75 x 13.75 x 25")
Stand: Aqueon 15 Gallon Column Stand (specifically fits only this tank)
Filter: Aqueon 10 Gallon QuietFlow Filter HOB
Lighting: Stock (Aqueon 15 Gallon LED fixture)
Substrate: Generic Black Sand
Flora: Anubias Congesis (3x), Anubias Nana (5x)
Fauna: Dwarf Gourami (1x), Malaysian Trumpet Snails (?x)