News: Edition 13

  • We have a bunch of new items to go over that we have recently added, changed, or modified in their current state. We list below some of the high-level changes and are even going to show you some of the planned changes that we are currently either exploring as options, in the work of modifying/creating, or have on the to-do list once some other items get progressed more.

    Recent Changes

    • We have updated the styles on, as the previous developer hasn't responded to our emails which raised some compatibility problems with the newest release of the community software we run. The benefits greatly outweighed the cost in this situation, and therefore we decided to make the change before we ran into technical support deadlines.
      • There are now just two styles, a Light theme (the default) and a Dark theme (you can change this under your user account to whichever you prefer).
      • We've had to disable some of the various plugins we were using to provide a small benefit to the community, however, everything that is critical or you are used to using has stayed.
      • Menu items have been renamed or recategorized such that they make more logical sense. Please let us know if you cannot find something you were able to prior, so that we may assist you!
    • We are working on allowing for our GDPR options to expand, including being able to permanently delete your account and have your username transformed upon doing so (we will not be removing any content created since that would result in broken conversations), but will share more once the platform can accept these changes automatically. Since we have updated the community software we are using, this has significantly increased and we're just waiting to agree on a finalized naming structure.
      • Please let us know any feedback if you would prefer the name to stay the same (ex; Deleted User XYZ, or something random which would blend in as an actual forum username).
    • We have finished setting up the newsletter structure and setup, and are just waiting for more creation of articles so that we don't run into an issue where we send the same content we did the prior month. Stay tuned!

    Upcoming Planned Changes

    • We are adding more articles and pages behind the scenes once we are completed with the redesign of existing pages (since we'd rather not create two streams that appear to have the new layout before others have).
  • As always, please let us know if you see anything that is off or missing pages. I've tried to make sure that this transition is painless by replicating as much the new style that we had with the previous but I may have missed a few things. Thank you!

  • I’ve pushed a few updates we had outstanding to the styles (both light and dark) since they appeared to have not taken the major update when we upgraded everything. This has now allowed for the new features to be fully shown and has updated a few locations of items (this time to be more convenient, like new buttons/filters).

  • We're starting to see errors being generated from Tapatalk (nothing critical, but it is created degraded with functionality so some features of Tapatalk may show as empty when searching). I've created a support ticket with Tapatalk for them to resolve this, and they noted that they are working on an updated version to fix this. Will keep you all posted as that is released and functionality is back to normal, thank you!

  • January 3, 2024 at 5:16 PM

    Closed the thread.

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