Welcome to Aquariu.ms!

  • Welcome to Aquariu.ms! We recently just installed a brand new set of website, article, and forum software which will power our next-generation platform. We thought extremely hard about all of the content that had to be shifted, posts/topics that had to be lost, and the familiar website feel that we had before - but this change provides a ton of new features that we couldn't say turn away. Plus, all of the new change allows for better management in terms of the way things were stored (as beforehand everything was mixed into folders, or attachments of photos were shared for content when they can now be uploaded to our Gallery).

    The following (limited and not all examples) are now a huge possibility that we couldn't have done before but now can;

    1. Users now can sign in without having to register an account if they use a social media account (this saves a huge step that seemed to be more of an annoyance than anything).
    2. Increased notifications, better communication between members who register on the forum system, and enhanced searching (specifically, searching for terms through articles or pages that are published).
    3. Extremely fast load times with extremely small page sizes (we now only load exactly what you need based on your device type - if we can detect it) along with better responsive design to allow for it to adjust correctly for all screen sizes and resolutions.
    4. We now have a Gallery where users can upload and share all of the aquarium-related photographs that they take with the rest of the world without any restrictions on who can see them.
    5. Additional enhancements that are behind the scenes (but will largely prevent spammers from being able to access the forum and post irrelevant links).
    6. Enhanced sharing of information will allow for easier access to be able to share important information across multiple websites, forums, or social media networks.
    7. Enhanced profiles for members to be able to have their own full profile (similar to social media accounts in many senses).

    Please feel free to register an account (it takes only a matter of minutes) to unlock the full potential of the forums, allowing you to be able to join in conversations with others, ask questions, and even answer some questions that others may have. Aren't too sure if you want to directly register or share your email address? We officially support the use of Tapatalk (search for us under "Aquariu.ms") and we also support the use of using just your social media account to avoid sharing those details across. Still not interested in joining? No worries - we will always leave all our forums available to guests to read, search through the articles we have, and be able to use Aquariu.ms with no limitations (minus the extra features of being to create posts, topics, and share additional content that is).

    Registered an account and have some questions on using Aquariu.ms? Feel free to ask in our Support forum where we can answer any website-related issue or experience you may be having and allow you to enjoy the HUGE benefit of having an account with us.

    We hope that you'll take the dive in, and join the brand new Aquariu.ms community!

  • I do have to say, I visited here once before when I saw someone post a helpful link on Reddit - but I love how you guys changed everything around. Definitely makes navigation easier since before there wasn't a direct way to like go view the difference between diseases from freshwater or saltwater, or even to really drill down just to diseases.

    All that you guys need next is a new logo since on the mobile view it shows the software's default logo that you guys are using.

  • I do have to say, I visited here once before when I saw someone post a helpful link on Reddit - but I love how you guys changed everything around. Definitely makes navigation easier since before there wasn't a direct way to like go view the difference between diseases from freshwater or saltwater, or even to really drill down just to diseases.

    All that you guys need next is a new logo since on the mobile view it shows the software's default logo that you guys are using.

    Thank you! We’re still working on adjusting all of our content previously created over to this new software.

    We also are still trying to find a logo developer who can create a logo based on some of our criteria (we’ve made a few requests, but the ones we get back aren’t really unique enough or are common images with text added on besides it).

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