I had a friend in college who left his tank as is and would just feed the fish when he would go home for the weekend. By the end of the one school year, it was completely green and shockingly, none of the fish died. I don't get how or why people think it is okay to just leave tanks for this long without cleaning and changing the water. Unless you have an eco-system in place, it needs to be cleaned at least once a month.

Have you ever known some to let their tank go badly?
Li0nFish -
August 8, 2022 at 2:24 PM -
Thread is Resolved
I too started my first fish tank in the same manner. I did not have any clue how to care for the fish or clean the tank. I was under the impression that just feeding the fishes was enough. One day I was just gazing at the fishes and it dawned upon me that there was something seriously wrong with the way I was treating these poor little things and I started my research and now I know the best way to care for my fishes and my fish tank has become the object of everyone's envy.
I too started my first fish tank in the same manner. I did not have any clue how to care for the fish or clean the tank. I was under the impression that just feeding the fishes was enough. One day I was just gazing at the fishes and it dawned upon me that there was something seriously wrong with the way I was treating these poor little things and I started my research and now I know the best way to care for my fishes and my fish tank has become the object of everyone's envy.
I guess when you just get things on a whim, you don't really consider long-term care. I did this with my first beta fish YEARS ago and I wish I had taken better care of him. He lived to be about 5 or 6 years old but sadly, he spent most of his life in a 1 gallon tank because I did not know any better.
Maybe that's how initially most of them think having a fish tank i suppose. Even I seriously thought there won't be much maintenance while owning a fish tank. The one and only duty for us is to feed them. Now I feel, I was so dumb about it.
Maybe that's how initially most of them think having a fish tank i suppose. Even I seriously thought there won't be much maintenance while owning a fish tank. The one and only duty for us is to feed them. Now I feel, I was so dumb about it.
This is like plant keeping really. You think you just water it and you are done but you have to regulate the temperature and actually feel the plants plant food to keep them alive. Not all plants but most do require it!
We all have to start somewhere, it's understandable that as amateurs we don't know what to do and how to maintain a tank. But with patience and love, we can all learn to take better care of our aquarium. And can gradually make our move towards an aquarium with a self-sustaining ecosystem.
We all have to start somewhere, it's understandable that as amateurs we don't know what to do and how to maintain a tank. But with patience and love, we can all learn to take better care of our aquarium. And can gradually make our move towards an aquarium with a self-sustaining ecosystem.
Having a self-sustaining tank is such a good move but it is very hard to achieve and can take years to find the right balance and care system. I think it is easier to do in salt water tanks.
I too started my first fish tank in the same manner. I did not have any clue how to care for the fish or clean the tank. I was under the impression that just feeding the fishes was enough. One day I was just gazing at the fishes and it dawned upon me that there was something seriously wrong with the way I was treating these poor little things and I started my research and now I know the best way to care for my fishes and my fish tank has become the object of everyone's envy.
For some reason a lot of us grow up with the impression from media or other people that fish are extremely casual pets, so alas, a lot of us only learn through hard experience just how much care and attention they need. At least you learned though!
I unfortunately have come across someone who has left their tank to just go badly, and it was an awful sight, and I was absolutely shocked to see that they would allow their tank to get that bad even though they seemed to be a person that was dedicated to taking care of their fish. I remember their tank being so green you couldn't see anything in the tank, it was just green so you could tell that they hadn't cleaned them out in a very long time. I honestly cannot understand why people would get fish and then not bother with them at all unless it was to feed them and that was it. If you really don't have the time, then wait until you do before getting fish and setting up a tank.
I started my fish tanks in a similar manner. I used to feed my fishes and change the water once a month but then unfortunately so of my fishes died. This gave me an insight on how to maintain a fish tank.
Have you ever known someone to let their tank go badly? It's a pretty common scenario - someone gets too busy or forgetful and before they know it, their gas tank is running on empty.
But what's worse is when someone deliberately lets their tank go empty as some sort of experiment, or worse yet, as a way to save money. I've known a few people who have tried this and it never ends well. They end up stranded on the side of the road, late for appointments or worse yet, in a dangerous situation.
So, my advice to all of you is to always keep your gas tank at least half full. It's a small thing that can make a big difference in your life. Not only will you avoid the stress and danger of running out of gas, but you'll also save yourself time and money by not having to make constant trips to the gas station.
Don't be that person who lets their tank go badly. Take care of your vehicle, and it will take care of you.
Have you ever known someone to let their tank go badly? It's a pretty common scenario - someone gets too busy or forgetful and before they know it, their gas tank is running on empty.
But what's worse is when someone deliberately lets their tank go empty as some sort of experiment, or worse yet, as a way to save money. I've known a few people who have tried this and it never ends well. They end up stranded on the side of the road, late for appointments or worse yet, in a dangerous situation.
So, my advice to all of you is to always keep your gas tank at least half full. It's a small thing that can make a big difference in your life. Not only will you avoid the stress and danger of running out of gas, but you'll also save yourself time and money by not having to make constant trips to the gas station.
Don't be that person who lets their tank go badly. Take care of your vehicle, and it will take care of you.
Hahah, I legit can’t figure out if this is an off-topic serious post or if you are making a dry joke.
Li0nFish and other members' shared experiences underscore the common misconception held by novice fish tank owners regarding the minimal maintenance requirements for fish tanks. Neglecting regular cleaning and water changes can lead to detrimental effects on the tank environment, compromising the health and well-being of the aquatic inhabitants. The anecdotes reveal a learning curve for individuals transitioning from an initial laissez-faire approach to conscientious care practices, emphasizing the importance of education and research in nurturing a thriving aquatic ecosystem. Bloggerbler's acknowledgment of the learning process as integral to enhancing aquarium maintenance skills resonates as a universal sentiment among enthusiasts navigating the complexities of tank management, reinforcing the notion that dedication and understanding are pivotal in achieving sustainable aquarium ownership.
Oh man, I've totally been there too! Back in the day, I thought keeping fish was as easy as keeping a pet rock. Just add water and food, right? 😂 Spoiler alert: the algae monster had other ideas! It's like having a tiny aquatic jungle that needs constant taming. With enough trial and error, I've upgraded my skills from "fish snack dispenser" to "aquatic maintenance wizard." Remember folks, with great gills comes great responsibility! 🐟🌿
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